OllyDbg Command

Code 2012. 8. 19. 19:59

OllyDbg Command

origin : http://webster.cs.ucr.edu/AsmTools/OllyDbg/CMDLINE.HTML

#$KCommand line plugin: Preliminary description

Welcome. I'm glad to present you the first version of command line plugin, with very limited capabilities but completely functional. Its source code is free, so you can add any commandsHow to add and modify functionality of existing. Plugin uses new OllyDbg functions described in details in the PDK 1.08. Note that plugin does not work with any OllyDbg version prior to 1.08.

Shortcut for command line plugin: Alt+F1. Currently, it supports following commands:



CALC expression

Calculate value of expression

? expression


expression (first character is not letter)


WATCH expression

Add watch

W expression






AT expression

Follow address in Disassembler

FOLLOW expression



Go to actual EIP





Dump and stack


D expression

Follow address in dump

DUMP expression


DA [expression]

Dump in assembler format

DB [expression]

Dump in hex byte format

DC [expression]

Dump as ASCII text

DD [expression]

Dump as addresses (stack format)

DU [expression]

Dump as UNICODE text

DW [expression]

Dump in hex word format

STK expression

Follow address in stack





A expression [,command]

Assemble at address



Labels and comments


L expression, label

Assign symbolic label to address

C expression, comment

Set comment at address



Breakpoint commands


BP expression [,condition]

Set INT3 breakpoint at address

BPX label

Set breakpoint on each call to external 'label' within the current module

BC expression

Delete breakpoint at address

MR expression1 [,expression2]

Set memory breakpoint on access to range

MW expression1 [,expression2]

Set memory breakpoint on write to range


Remove memory breakpoint

HR expression

Set 1-byte hardware breakpoint on access to address

HW expression

Set 1-byte hardware breakpoint on write to address

HE expression

Set hardware breakpoint on execute at address

HD [expression]

Remove hardware breakpoint(s) at address



Tracing commands



Pause execution




Run program

G [expression]

Run till address

GE [expression]

Pass exception to handler and run till address


Step into




Step over

T [expression]

Trace in till address

TI [expression]


TO [expression]

Trace over till address

TC condition

Trace in till condition

TOC condition

Trace over till condition


Execute till return


Execute till user code



OllyDbg windows



View Log window


View Executable modules


View Memory window


View CPU window


View Call Stack


View Breakpoints window


Edit options



Miscellaneous commands



Close OllyDbg



OPEN [filename]

Open executable file for debugging


Close debugged program


Restart current program


Show this help

HELP OllyDbg

Show OllyDbg help

HELP APIfunction

Show help on API function

Commands are not case-sensitive, parameters in brackets are optional. Expressions may include constants, registers and memory references and support all standard arithmetical and boolean functions. By default, all constants are hexadecimal. To mark constant as decimal, follow it with decimal point. Examples:

  • 2+2 - calculate value of this expression;
  • AT [EAX+10] - disassemble at address that is the contents of memory doubleword at address EAX+0x10;
  • BP KERNEL32.GetProcAddress - set breakpoint on API function. Note that you can set breakpoint in system DLL only in NT-based operating systems;
  • BPX GetProcAddress - set breakpoint on every call to external function GetProcAddress in the currently selected module;
  • BP 412010,EAX==WM_CLOSE - set conditional breakpoint at address 0x412010. Program pauses when EAX is equal to WM_CLOSE.

You can find full description of expressions supported by OllyDbg in the OllyDbg help.


#$KHow to add new command

To add new command, first you must register it in the array cmdlist[]. Elements of this array are structures of type t_command. First element is the command in uppercase, second element describes its operands. Current version of plugin supports only three types of operands:

A - address expression with value in address. Plugin checks that it points to allocated memory.

a - same as A but optional. If expression is absent, address is set to 0.

V - expression of any type in value. If you expect integer expression, check that value.dtype is DEC_DWORD and use contents of value.u.

v - same as V but optional. If expression is absent, value.dtype is DEC_UNKNOWN and value.u is 0.

S - ASCII string in string, may be empty.

Third element is a constant that will be passed to command procedure, and the fourth one is the address of procedure that executes the command:

typedef int t_exefunc(char *answer,ulong parm);

If all operands of the recognized command are parsed and estimated correctly, plugin calls this procedure. First argument, answer, is the pointer to string 256 bytes long. Its contents will be displayed in the command line window after command is executed. Second argument is the parameter from cmdlsit[]. If function returns 0, command is considered correct and will be added to the history list.


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Posted by codens
