
키보드 무게

codens 2012. 8. 20. 23:29

신디사이저 건반 무게 비교 정리(Synth, 신스, keyboard)

* microARRANGER : 4.2kg, 70만 , 주의 키보드 작음
    - 61키,  (Hyper Integrated) sound engine, like the MicroX, TR,

* microSTATION : 2.5kg(5.73lbs) , 70만 , 주의 키보드 작음
    - 61 keys, EDS-i (Enhanced Definition Synthesis-integrated) sound engine, M3/M50.

* TR-76 : 9.2kg, 93만
  TR-61 : 7.8kg,

* M3 73 : 200만
M3-61: 31.08 lbs (14.1 kg)
M3-73: 38.14 lbs (17.3 kg)
M3-88: 58.42 lbs (26.5 kg)
Module: 10.58 lbs

* M50 : 160만
M50-61: 14.9 lbs(6.7kg)
M50-73: 17.6 lbs
M50-88: 45.86 lbs

* KORG Kronos : 400만

  Kronos X
88-key: 50.71 lbs. / 23.0 kg
73-key: 44.75 lbs. / 20.3 kg
61-key: 27.56 lbs. / 12.5 kg
    - EP-1 engine



* motif
MOTIF XS7     2007     76     FSX     128     355MB     2,670     1,024 presets + 65 kits, 384 user + 32 kits, 384 performances


MOTIF XF7     2010     76     FSX     128     741MB     3,977     1,024 presets + 64 kits, 512 user + 32 kits, 512 performances


MOXF8  (2013)   $1,999.00 , 2013년
    88 keys, GHS keyboard (Initial Touch)
    AWM2, with Expanded Articulation
    741MB (when converted to 16-bit linear format), 3,977 waveforms
    132x17x40 cm
    14.9 kg

MOXF6   (2013)  $1,499.00
    61 keys, semi-weighted keyboard (Initial Touch)
    103x12x35 cm



* MX49  (2012) , 3.8kg, 78만

- 넓이 : 830mm


  MX61  (2012), 4.8kg, 94만   <=========



- 크기 :  984 x 299 x 112 (mm)

- 참고 : M-Audio Keystation 61 MK3 :  4.1kg ,  995 x 189 x 68 (mm)



* MOX6  (2011) : 7kg, 140만
  MOX8  (2011) : 14.8kg




* MM6 (2007) : 5kg , 59만 <--!!!!!!!!!!
  MM8 : 15.6kg


* MO6 : 10kg
  MO8 : 21kg

* S70 XS : 20kg , 270만

  S90 XS : 22.4kg , 280만



* JUNO-Di : 5.2kg - 89만
Mobile Synthesizer with Song Player
Travel Light, Play Heavy

* JUNO-Gi : 5.7kg - 140만
Mobile Synthesizer with Digital Recorder
Massive Soundbank + Multitrack Digital Recording

* JUPITER-50 : 11kg
The JUPITER Legacy Continues with a Sleek New Performance Synth

* JUPITER-80 : 17.7kg
With the Version 2 software update, the JUPITER-80 offers new features that enhance its synthesis power

* AX-Synth : 3.9kg
Shoulder Synthesizer
Step Into the Spotlight

* GAIA SH-01 : 4.2kg
Flash Back, Flash Forward

* Lucina AX-09 :3.7kg
Freedom of Expression

* V-Synth GT : 13.8kg
Introducing the World’s Most Expressive Synthesizer

* VP-770 : 11kg
Vocal & Ensemble Keyboard
Expanding the Role of the Keyboardist

* JUNO-STAGE : 9.8kg
128 Voice Expandable Synthesizer with Song Player

* GW-8 Version 2 : 6kg
The World in a Workstation

* Fantom-G8  :33 kg
Fantom-G7  :16.6 kg
Fantom-G6  :14 kg
Music Workstation
Reaching New Levels of Power and Luxury

* nord
nord lead 2x(2003) - 49 key, 5.3kg, 210만
    polyphony (20 voice), high-resolution 24-bit 96 kHz DACs, 4x99 patches, Aftertouch:X
    19.8 pounds = 8.98112893 kg
    37.3 pounds = 16.9189954 kg

Nord wave - 49key, 6kg
    - 189Mb mem, 18 voice

Nord Electro 4d - 61key,  7.6kg, 280만
    22 pounds = 9.97903214 kg
    23 pounds = 10.4326245 kg

Nord Stage 2 - 73key, 16.5kg, 440만
