GoodbyeDPI 사용법
- 능동 수동 DPI 우회
- DPI(Deep Packet Inspection; 심층 패킷 분석)
- url DNS 차단 기술
- WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert 사용
- GUI 툴
* goodbyedpi.exe 명령 옵션
Usage: goodbyedpi.exe [OPTION...]
-p block passive DPI
-r replace Host with hoSt
-s remove space between host header and its value
-m mix Host header case ( -> tEsT.cOm)
-f [value] set HTTP fragmentation to value
-k [value] enable HTTP persistent (keep-alive) fragmentation and set it to value
-n do not wait for first segment ACK when -k is enabled
-e [value] set HTTPS fragmentation to value
-a additional space between Method and Request-URI (enables -s, may break sites)
-w try to find and parse HTTP traffic on all processed ports (not only on port 80)
--port [value] additional TCP port to perform fragmentation on (and HTTP tricks with -w)
--ip-id [value] handle additional IP ID (decimal, drop redirects and TCP RSTs with this ID).
This option can be supplied multiple times.
--dns-addr [value] redirect UDP DNS requests to the supplied IP address (experimental)
--dns-port [value] redirect UDP DNS requests to the supplied port (53 by default)
--dnsv6-addr [value] redirect UDPv6 DNS requests to the supplied IPv6 address (experimental)
--dnsv6-port [value] redirect UDPv6 DNS requests to the supplied port (53 by default)
--dns-verb print verbose DNS redirection messages
--blacklist [txtfile] perform HTTP tricks only to host names and subdomains from
supplied text file. This option can be supplied multiple times.
-1 -p -r -s -f 2 -k 2 -n -e 2 (most compatible mode, default)
-2 -p -r -s -f 2 -k 2 -n -e 40 (better speed for HTTPS yet still compatible)
-3 -p -r -s -e 40 (better speed for HTTP and HTTPS)
-4 -p -r -s (best speed)
* 실행 명령 예시
start "" goodbyedpi.exe -3
--blacklist 옵션은 별 소용 없음